Making The Best Of It
Well, this morning I woke to a sore throat and cough; a rapid test confirmed that I am the “gracious” host of COVID. Whoo-whoo, it’s like...

Who’s the Boss?
Who’s the Boss? Our pets or us? Yes, they give us joy, company, affection, and life would be dull without them, but we do feed and house...

Photos with Captions to Make you Smile and Think
Friday’s rolled around again, and to kick the weekend off I’ve posted a few photos from my Instagram. Enjoy and have a great weekend....

Wacky Words Revealed!
Waaayy back on Saturday, I ran a fun and short quiz on a few of the most obscure words in English. I thank and appreciate everyone who...

Wacky Word Quiz
Happy Saturday! The weekend is here and we’ve been freezing our keisters up here, in the attic of North America. Now, to go with that mug...

Photo Prompt For Kreative Kue
Good morning, afternoon, or night. Today I’ve decided to participate in author Keith Edgar Channing’s “Kreative Kue” Please follow the...

Photos with Captions to Make you Smile and Think
With the New Year underway, I thought it might be time to revisit some thoughts from the distant and not so distant past. I hope you...

My Toast To You
There’s no shortage of talent here on the blogosphere, and that goes for some amazing poets, too. Heck, you’re all amazing! That’s why...

Twelve Memories of Fatherhood
As Christmas approaches and at the risk of being imitative, I’ve decided to plow ahead and post this derivative of a holiday classic. I...

Flip A Story: Lovely’s Surprise
Welcome to the second episode of ‘Flip-A-Story’. For those who are scratching your heads right about now, please let me explain. Back in...