Goody Gum Drops, a guest post written for Author D.L. Finn's Blog
Hello on this fine June day! It's warmed up considerably here in the last week. I hope everyone had a great weekend and that all those...

The Thirst for Gold, a short story.
Dawson City, Yukon, during the Klondike October 21,1897 The horse sped by and kicked up chunks of manure that struck the front of Albin’s...

A Few Inspirational Quotes
Good morning, afternoon, evening, or midnight . . . or whatever time you are reading this. As I post this, it's 9:30am an Tuesday, June...

Life "Truths"
So, last night I spotted a leprechaun running towards the end of this rainbow! I must emphasize, meeting a leprechaun had been my life's...

From Rocks to Radiance!
First of all, I cannot emphasize enough that I take NO credit for the beauties that you'll see in these photos. My role in this whole...

Peddle Your Style To The World!

When a Hippo hollers!
When a hippo hollers, does anyone listen? I mean really pay attention to what it's saying. All we hear is, "Rrrrrr! Rrrrr!" like a faulty...

A Haircut Too Far!
Okay, so let's find a large cardboard box to climb into and imagine it's the DeLorean from Back To The Future. Those of you with artistic...

Six-Word Sunday
"Closer! Just another Easter Lily here."