HIIT your writing and watch it improve!
The story line isn’t written on the wall. Unlike the Biblical account, no matter how hard I stare, no hand appears to write Dan out of...

Photos with Captions, To Make You Smile and Think
Time for another round of captioned photos. I hope some will make you chuckle, while others encourage you. Take care of yourselves! Then...

Photos with Captions To Make You Smile and Think
Hey, just thought I’d bring out some photos with captions for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

Wishing My American Friends A Safe And Peaceful Inauguration Day
I would like to convey my sincerest hope for a peaceful transition of power and healing for the nation of the United States. Take care,...

Photos with captions to make you smile and think.
Around here, there’s always something to photograph and comment on. Most of these were taken on ‘walk abouts’ not far from home. I’ve...

‘Fiction In A Flash Challenge’ Final Prompt for 2020. Week #29 Entry by Mark Bierman #IARTG #Writing
Hello everyone, today I’m featuring my contribution to Author Suzanne Burkes’ “Fiction in A Flash Challenge!” Each week she features an...

Word of the day
Some peope refer to this as ‘catting’.

Closing the door on 2020
Years ago, when I was a Correctional Officer at Kingston Penitentiary, separating the two worlds of prison and personal life was vital to...

"Why is the world upside down?"

A Christmas Poem
Well, another year, and what a year it’s been, is about to be swept away by the winds of time, wherever bygone years are blown to. This...