Review of Protective Instinct, by Joy York
Here we are with February coming to a close in the next week, and the weather’s been bouncing up and down like our dog’s floppy ears...

Review of, Grim Secrets, by Nannette Kreitzman
Happy Sunday! We've recently added a new member to our family! His name is Ace, and even though he's only two and a half months old, he's...

Review Of Broken Rhodes, by Kimber Silver
With Christmas in the rearview, I'm using the interlude between Boxing Day and New Years to post my last review of 2023. I hope each of...

Review of, The Girl From Huizen, by Paulette Mahurin
Both of my parents are first generation immigrants from the Netherlands. They moved to Canada as small children with their families just...

Review of, The Drowning Kind, by Jennifer McMahon
The weather has taken a breather from melting us into oblivion and brought in some much-needed cooler days. Now, I’m not wanting to boot...

Review Of, At The End Of It All: Stories From The Shadows, by Suzanne Craig-Whytock
Another week is in full swing, and another busy weekend is two days in the past. We celebrated my youngest’s fourteenth birthday. On...

Review of, Tell Me A Story In 99 Words, by Annette Rochelle Aben
It’s early morning and a welcomed cool breeze drift in from the open window. Every now and then, I pause to watch dawn’s ever-reaching...

Review Of Liquid Deceptions, by Colleen Hofstadter Hlavac
We’ve finally reached the first weekend of summer! Bring on the long days, BBQ, and beach days! This past Thursday was a special day for...

Review of, When Violet Got Bored, by Allison Keli
Yesterday I was driving the youngest to school when my truck was hit from behind as we were pulling away from a stoplight. It wasn’t much...

Review of, The Last Drive, by John Howell
Ah! Sweet Sunday! The last of the smoke from the wild fires burning North-West of here has cleared out, and we’ve had some much needed...