‘Fiction In A Flash Challenge’ Final Prompt for 2020. Week #29 Entry by Mark Bierman #IARTG #Writing
Hello everyone, today I’m featuring my contribution to Author Suzanne Burkes’ “Fiction in A Flash Challenge!” Each week she features an...
What if Trees could think and Talk?
Happy Halloween! Here I sit pecking away at the keyboard like a hen in the dirt, my only sources of light are a desk lamp and the glow of...
Feathered Guests
A good Saturday morning to all! Today, the sun shines with only a few wispy clouds dotting the sky. I want to tell you about a little...
Life "Truths"
So, last night I spotted a leprechaun running towards the end of this rainbow! I must emphasize, meeting a leprechaun had been my life's...
When a Hippo hollers!
When a hippo hollers, does anyone listen? I mean really pay attention to what it's saying. All we hear is, "Rrrrrr! Rrrrr!" like a faulty...
Six-Word Story
John answers the call of nature!
The Lonely Mountain gets a Makeover
A seed landed on an ancient, beardless Mountain. Upon seeing the specimen, the mountain scoffed, surely nothing would come of it. Such a...
Saving the world, one coffee cup at a time!
So, we're into another week of COVID craziness here and the kiddos are looking at extended time off. It's a fortunate thing that our...
Smile for the Day. It's going to be Okay.
"Bambi! Look! It's the paparazzi again! I TOLD you that we should have gone somewhere else to eat!"
Avoid Cooper Ridge Road!
Okay, so part of the good-ole fitness program is to walk/run down the stagecoach trails that pass for roads in my neck of the woods...