Wacky Words Revealed!
Do you love getting weird looks from strangers in the grocery line? I'm talking eyebrows leaping to the hairline while their minds whirl...

Wacky Word Quiz
Last week I found, Marshmallow, our Leghorn hen, sitting in the middle of the chicken run being pecked by her less than empathetic...

The things I Think
Hey, is it just me, or when you hear a new or weird word, does your brain conjure some off kilter image that’s NOTHING like reality?...

Photos With Captions To Make You Smile And Think
It’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these. I hope you enjoy and have a great weekend! Last night one, or both, of our cats, Sage and...

Wacky Words Unveiled!
Happy Saturday! Sheesh! The kids are having a four-day weekend. Yesterday was unplanned, as Mother Nature treated us with a wee but of...

Wacky Word Quiz
Well, the earth’s rotated many times since I’ve last posted one of these. I thought it might be time to open that bulging door under...

Photos with Captions to Make you Smile and Think
Friday’s rolled around again, and to kick the weekend off I’ve posted a few photos from my Instagram. Enjoy and have a great weekend....

Wacky Words Revealed!
Waaayy back on Saturday, I ran a fun and short quiz on a few of the most obscure words in English. I thank and appreciate everyone who...

Photos with Captions to Make you Smile and Think
With the New Year underway, I thought it might be time to revisit some thoughts from the distant and not so distant past. I hope you...

Many parents of school-aged children should get the caption below. MY “understanding” of the new math.