Writing Prompt A shoal in a stream of humdrum Anchored till there’s naught left of me All else roams free Waters lap and return...

Two days ago, Vanished was featured on Sally Cronin's blog, along with talented authors John Howell and Lizze Chantree. Sally Cronin is a...

Review of The Enigma Factor, by Charles V. Breakfield & Roxanne E. Burkey
The Blurb: Jacob Michaels, computer network security-tester extraordinaire, tries to settle into a quiet life of work to polish his...

Life "Truths"
So, last night I spotted a leprechaun running towards the end of this rainbow! I must emphasize, meeting a leprechaun had been my life's...

KCT IN'L Literary Contest Winner, Harriet Hodgson
Today I have the privilege of hosting talented author, Harriet Hodgson, winner of the KCT Literary Award , for her book, "So You're...

Peddle Your Style To The World!

Life Lessons I Took from Books, by Patricia Furstenberg
Hello, welcome to my blog, or, if you are a regular, welcome back. My friends to the south are observing Memorial Day, a time to remember...

When a Hippo hollers!
When a hippo hollers, does anyone listen? I mean really pay attention to what it's saying. All we hear is, "Rrrrrr! Rrrrr!" like a faulty...

Review of Jewel, written by Jan Sikes
The Blurb: For almost eighteen years, Jewel has known little beyond hopelessness and hunger. Barely existing in a ramshackle cabin, on...

Six-Word Sunday
Today Sandra left home for college.