We live in the country, on a back road that the township forgot but is Grand Central to an abundance of wildlife. We’re talking...

#RRBC 2018 WC&BE SPONSORS BLOG HOP! Featuring Jan Sikes!
Please welcome my special guest today, #RWISA Jan Sikes Author #RRBC Blurb: The epic love story begins here! A hot Texas summer,...

Welcome to the WATCH "#RWISA" WRITE Showcase Tour! #RRBC #RRBCWRW
Welcome! Today I have the privilege of hosting RWISA Author, Beem Weeks! He is a talented writer and supportive member of Rave Reviews...

Welcome to the WATCH "#RWISA" WRITE Showcase Tour! #RRBC #RRBCWRW
Welcome! Today I have the privilege of hosting RWISA Author, Gwen Plano! She is a talented writer and supportive member of Rave Reviews...