We live in the country, on a back road that the township forgot but is Grand Central to an abundance of wildlife. We’re talking...

Photos With Captions To Make You Smile And Think
It’s been a warm Fall so far here, and most folks are talking advantage of the weather while it lasts. The white stuff will be flying...

Who’s the Boss?
Who’s the Boss? Our pets or us? Yes, they give us joy, company, affection, and life would be dull without them, but we do feed and house...

"Why is the world upside down?"

Life "Truths"
So, last night I spotted a leprechaun running towards the end of this rainbow! I must emphasize, meeting a leprechaun had been my life's...

Smile for the Day. It's going to be Okay.
"Bambi! Look! It's the paparazzi again! I TOLD you that we should have gone somewhere else to eat!"