Just A Short Post
Oh, and there’s also one that’s fallen over.

Review of, More than Coffee: Memories in Verse and Prose, by Lauren Scott
It’s pretty green outside these days, every flake of the white stuff has melted back into H20. But no matter what Nature’s decided, we’ve...

Photos With Captions To Make You Smile And Think
I’m back with another round of photos from daily life. My, things have changed both inside and outside since my last post. Outside, we’ve...

We live in the country, on a back road that the township forgot but is Grand Central to an abundance of wildlife. We’re talking...

Tough Nut Negotiations
“So here we have our, ah, deluxe bachelor street suite. Perfect for the fast-paced lifestyle of a made guy like you. It’s only 49.99...

Photos With Captions To Make You Smile And Think
It’s been a warm Fall so far here, and most folks are talking advantage of the weather while it lasts. The white stuff will be flying...

Awe . . . the pitter-patter!
Just sitting here this fine morning remembering some shenanigans, yes, shenanigans . . . wait, am I on Facebook? Never mind, I’ll keep...

Ramblings of a pale-fingered, “Green Thumb.”
These days, I’m expanding my horizons and have been working with a local company that designs and maintains some lavish gardens. Being a...

Six Word Story
Hey, is this pup the only one that ponders this question? “Why is the world upside down?”