Photos with Captions, to Make You Smile and Think
It’s Cinco de Mayo, which is a holiday that celebrates the date of the Mexican army’s May 5, 1862 victory over France at the Battle of...

Fiction in A Flash Challenge” WEEK #20
Hello, today I participated in Author Suzanne Burke’s Fiction in a Flash. This is a weekly challenge in which she posts a photo and we...

Goody Gum Drops, a guest post written for Author D.L. Finn's Blog
Hello on this fine June day! It's warmed up considerably here in the last week. I hope everyone had a great weekend and that all those...

A Few Inspirational Quotes
Good morning, afternoon, evening, or midnight . . . or whatever time you are reading this. As I post this, it's 9:30am an Tuesday, June...

When a Hippo hollers!
When a hippo hollers, does anyone listen? I mean really pay attention to what it's saying. All we hear is, "Rrrrrr! Rrrrr!" like a faulty...

A Haircut Too Far!
Okay, so let's find a large cardboard box to climb into and imagine it's the DeLorean from Back To The Future. Those of you with artistic...

Smile for the Day. It's going to be Okay.
"Bambi! Look! It's the paparazzi again! I TOLD you that we should have gone somewhere else to eat!"

Today is a Good Day!
Today is good, today I got up with the moon still smiling down, as it prepared to hand the sky over to the sun. The characters were...

"Animals can talk all year long!" Scientist declares.
Disclaimer: This study was conducted in the wee hours of a dark winter day under the influence of a caffeine high. The findings may be...

Donkey On the Road
Okay, so it's been awhile since I have posted here, my apologies. Life happens and there have been a number of significant stressors that...