‘Fiction In A Flash Challenge 2021.’ #30 Entry Part 2) by Mark Bierman @mark_bierman1 #IARTG #Writin
Hello, welcome to my take on Author Suzanne Burke’s weekly ‘Fiction In A Flash Challenge.’ Writer’s are challenged to come up with a...

Word of the day
Some peope refer to this as ‘catting’.

Closing the door on 2020
Years ago, when I was a Correctional Officer at Kingston Penitentiary, separating the two worlds of prison and personal life was vital to...

"Why is the world upside down?"

Review of ‘Between Slavery and Freedom, The Stella Trilogy Book One’ by Yecheilyah Ysrayl
Happy Friday! The kids are home from school today, as it is a PA day here, and so I’m typing this up before heading off to meetings with...

‘Fiction In A Flash Challenge Week #23 Entry by Mark Bierman #WritingPrompts #WritingCommunity#Flash
Hello everyone, today I’m featuring my contribution to Author Suzanne Burkes’ “Fiction in A Flash Challenge!” Each week she features an...

Review of Genesis for the Rest of Us, by John R Little and Darrell J Bierman.
A joint effort, this book was written to shed some undertsanding on the biblical book of Genesis for those who wish to gain more insight...

Fiction in A Flash Challenge” WEEK #20
Hello, today I participated in Author Suzanne Burke’s Fiction in a Flash. This is a weekly challenge in which she posts a photo and we...

The "Ghosts" in my Darkness
This is not an easy blog for me to write, but I'm feeling called to expose my secret for the sake of those who may be suffering in...