"Oh! Deer!" . . . or . . . "Oh, deer."

Quick! What do you see in the photo above? Is it just trees and grass? Wait, what is that in the background? Are there two shapes that do not match the flora? Are they an illusion? Sasquatches on their knees, looking for gopher holes?
moreNeither. They're missed opportunities, or what some of you may call, deer.
You see, I was out for a walk near my home yesterday, when I rounded a corner and spotted a young deer, less than fifty feet away. It stood in the middle of the dirt road, yes I am that rustic, studying me with large brown eyes.
With a sense of urgency, I dug into my pocket for my phone, hoping to snap a photo before the woodland creature bounded into the brush, only to discover that it was turned off, a habit that is a source of frustration for my wife.
At first, Rudolf, Bambi, or Frankie (I'll go with Frankie), posed patiently, while my Samsung powered up.
Part of me suspects that Frankie is the mischievous sort. No sooner had I raised the phone in triumph, certain of a photo worthy of a local news station's Weather Wallpaper contest (please don't make me explain), when the ungulate walked into the bush. I swear that he stuck his tongue out at me as he did so.
I raced towards the spot where he'd disappeared and managed to snap a photo of him and his mate as they grazed in a field. Though, as you can see, the quality leaves much to be desired.
In reality, Frankie was not to blame. I was the one who should have turned my phone on, yes dear, you are right. I alone am responsible for being unprepared. I missed out on an opportunity to share a great photo with others and instead had to settle for nature's version of Where's Waldo? or in this case, Frankie.
To compensate, I have dug up another photo, that I did not take, and posted it below. Please enjoy.