
This is a Guest Post about my novel, Vanished, that was kindly hosted by author Karen Ingalls.
I am grateful to Karen for this opportunity! Please click the following link to view and purchase Karen's novels:
Here is the Guest Post:
I am pleased to have Rave Reviews Book Club member, Mark Bierman, as my guest this week. Drawing on his work as a correctional officer and a private investigator, Mark combines his unique experiences and imagination to create stories and characters.
His novel, Vanished, is a remarkable story about human trafficking.

When a shared tragedy strikes the lives of John Webster, and his son-in-law, Tyler Montgomery, they seek healing by embarking on a good will mission to earthquake-ravaged Haiti.
The mission quickly changes from benign to perilous after a young girl is kidnapped by human traffickers, and the pair make a promise to her mother that may cost them everything.
The two ordinary men undertake the extraordinary, forming unholy alliances with the seedy underbelly of an impoverished nation, as they struggle to keep their moral fiber from unravelling.
Interesting facts:
1. Giving Back: Fifty percent of the proceeds from the sales of Vanished are donated to organizations that help victims of human trafficking.
2. Coincidence? A few months after publishing Vanished, Mark befriended a missionary family that was actively helping victims in Cambodia. He continues to support their amazing work.
3. Change of Plans: The idea for Vanished occured when Mark decided to write a magazine article about an actual mission trip to post-earthquake Haiti. The trip had been undertaken by his father and brother-in-law. The main character are loosely based on them. They each kept a journal and though neither encountered human traffickers, a portion of the facts and experiences they logged were used in the novel.
Some Reviews:
"The subject of human trafficking is a painful subject to read about, but it is something we all need to be aware of in hopes of bringing an end to this horrible part of most societies. Mr. Bierman does an excellent job of bringing the subject to the forefront through a fictional story. The actions of two Americans in a foreign country to bring one little girl safely home is the storyline.
I had to give it four stars because there was too much detailed description of their hunt through the forest and the mine. All in all, this is a book I would recommend to anyone."
- Karen Ingalls
"Really great book about the hidden world of human trafficking. A friend referred this author, and I'm glad he did! The story is based in Haiti and is not only a good read, but is also thought provoking and well written.
I highly recommend it and look forward to other books by this author. Great job!"
-Gail M.

Born and raised on a farm near Brockville, Ontario, Mark Bierman's childhood consisted of chores, horseback riding, fishing trips, snowmobile races, and many other outdoor adventures.
Transitioning into adulthood meant moving from the farm into large urban centers, that introduced this 'country boy' into life in the 'big city'.
Please follow these links to see what Mark is up to: