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Review of Emerging From Shadows, Poetry by Balroop Singh

The Blurb:

From darkness into light, from despair onto the wider ways of hope…life oscillates between sunshine and shadows. Emerging from shadows is a choice, which lies dormant, which can be gently inspired by self-talk. Each poem in this book banks on the hope of emerging stronger, saner, positive and resilient. Each poem in this book would talk to you, revealing layers of enclosed emotions. Each poem would divulge a secret path that could lead you into the world of poise and serenity.

When turbulences hit, when shadows of life darken, when they come like unseen robbers, with muffled exterior, when they threaten to shatter your dreams, it is better to break free rather than get sucked by the vortex of emotions.

My Thoughts:

In all honesty, for most of my life, I have not read much poetry, having preferred novels and short stories. This has changed since I've joined Rave Reviews Book Club and discovered the many talented poets who are part of this writing family. I include Balroop Singh to be among them.

This was the first, and it won't be the last, book of poetry that I have devoured by this talented author. Each poem follows a similar theme of choosing to make those first, and sometimes painful, steps from inner darkness and pessimism to hope and optimism.

Poetry can often deliver a greater emotional impact using vivid imagery and flowery language, in a far more efficient manner than novels. I believe this is due to the liberty from the requirements of developing in-depth backgrounds for mutiple characters that must hustle through a plotline, while avoiding a backlog of too much detail. Poetry is truly a time-warp back to the Victorian-style of writing, and is a treat!

I highly recommend this book and give it a five star rating!

About the Author:

Balroop Singh, an educationalist, a poet and an author always had a passion for writing. She would jot down her reflections on a piece of paper and forget about them till each drawer of her home started overflowing with poetic reminders, popping out at will! The world of her imagination has a queer connection with realism. She could envision the images of her own poetry while teaching the poems. Her dreams saw the light of the day when she published her first poetry book: 'Sublime Shadows Of Life.' She has always lived through her heart. She is a great nature lover; she loves to watch birds flying home. The sunsets allure her with their varied hues that they lend to the sky. She can spend endless hours listening to the rustling of leaves and the sound of waterfalls. She lives in San Ramon California.

If you wish to purchase a copy of this book, or another written by Singh, you can do so by clicking on this link: Emerging From Shadows, Poetry by Balroop Singh

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Author, Mark Bierman

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