Rise Above!

If you attempt to rise from the chalk line that many have drawn around you, there will always be those who snicker behind your back. They will fail to believe it is possible, despite all evidence to the contrary. Cast aside, any notion of changing their minds and do not waste an ounce of energy in the attempt.
Focus instead, on those who support and applaud your efforts, for their encouragement is fuel for the body and mind. They are your people, and you must remain fiercely loyal and equally supportive. In this age of a shrinking world, they could be across the table, or across the ocean. You will never find them until you step boldly outside those imaginary limits you and others have set.
Life is short. Today I challenge you to sweep away that antiquated outline made of dust and follow your dream. Do not let the fear, self-doubt, or the criticism of the pessimists' chip away your resolve. Celebrate every accomplishment, no matter how small. Remember that cathedrals were built by many stones stacked one upon another.