What Haunts Me

I usually write more positive and upbeat posts, however, this is not one of them. I've decided to share an issue that has haunted me for a number of years. No, I'm not looking for sympathy, not my style, but I wish to create an awareness of a condition that is prevalent in the First-Responder community (I'm one of them). Of course, this problem is not just limited to First-Responders and their families, there are many in the civilian community that suffer too, and I write for you, as well.
In fact, the therapeutic benefit of puttting thoughts to paper is one of the main reasons I began to write. This poem is a bit of a hybrid, done intentionally, to relay the message of life with PTSD.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, all I ask is that your comments be respectful. I have lost six co-workers (some of the good friends) to suicide and there are many more whom I don't know.
Morning light through window shines, but I wish for darkness to remain,
For with the light, come the demands of life, far too much
"Take your meds!" they preach. "They will help to reduce the pain."
I swallow them down to banish the ghosts, yet never escape their clutch
What happened to the man I used to be? Full of life and no dark stain,
He's but gone, a phantom from another time, never to return again