Sunshine Blogger Award

I came off a few long days of work to find a wonderful surprise when I checked the comments on my blogsite.
I've been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award! I was pleasantly surprised and honored!
The award is given out by members of the blogging community in recognition of their inspiring, creative, and motivational blogs.
I would like to thank Chris, whose informative and motivational blog Living Healthier and Happier is full of helpful articles that give great advice on diet, mental/physical health, financial issues, and everyday challenges. I highly recommend a visit, just click on the link above.
Chris has asked me to answer eleven personal question, so here goes:

1. How long have you been blogging?
Two years.
2. What inspired you to start a blog?
I'm working on my second novel, and novel writing is a marathon. I wanted a way to connect with people in a more consistent way. I also enjoy reading the works of other bloggers and have learned so much from them.
3. How much time do you spend blogging each week?
It depends on the subject and blog length. In general, I devote around two hours.
5. It’s The Sunshine Blogger Award so how do you spread rays of sunshine on your blog?
I try to focus on the positive things in life. People need a break from the negativity in media, such as the news. There are still so many good experiences, and people, in this world. For the most part, I write about those. If I can make someone smile, or brighten their day in even a small way, my blog has done its job.
6. If you were to impart some words of wisdom about blogging, what would they be?
I don't mean this in a bad way, but people are busy. Most readers are probably enjoying more than one blog. What I've found is that shorter blogs, with a few impactful paragraphs and some interesting photos, receive the most positive feedback.
7. What has influenced your blog most?
Personal experiences and ideas that I want to share.
8. What do you like best about blogging?
The connection with readers and hosting guest bloggers. I enjoy giving a boost to others.
9. Describe your blog using five adjectives.
fun/ unique/ emotional (at times)/ encouraging/ thought-provoking
10. What advice would you give a new blogger?
Read, read, read! Before you type the first words of your new blog, find and follow those of the experienced and successful. Learn from them, like and COMMENT on their posts. It takes awhile, but if you give support, you will reap the benefits. Do not copy the voice of others, find your own and be consistent in your posts and loyal to your followers.
11. Which blog topics are your favorites to read?
Travel blogs . . . I would love to travel more, but time and resources do not allow for this. I enjoy living vicariously through those blogs!
Here are some inspirational bloggers that I nominate for the Sunshine Blogger Award. I chose them because they are committed to blooging excellence!
For accepting the Sunshine Blogger Award nomination, there are a few rules:
• Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you and link back to their blog.
• Answer 11 questions the blogger asked you.
• List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your blog post.
• Nominate 11 new bloggers & their blogs. Leave a comment on their blog to let them know they received the award and ask your nominees 11 new questions.
I love to know what makes people 'tick' so here are 11 questions for you. I promise, nothing embarrasing. If there are any questions you do not wish to answer, please feel free to give them a pass.
1. What is the most extreme "sport" you've done (if any)?
2. Do you have a favorite travel destination? If so, where?
3. What is your favorite blog topic?
4. Do you have a prefered time of day to blog? When?
5. Do you drink coffee while you blog?
6. Do you have pets?
7. If you were trying to fix a broken shovel handle and a 500 pound gorilla came up to you with a roll of tape, what would you do?
8. Do you prefer to swim in a pool or a natural body of water?
9. It's Thanksgiving- turkey, some other type of meat, or no meat?
10. Given the choice, would you prefer a spider or a snake in your home?
11. What type of music do you listen to?
That's it! All done! I wish you all the best in 2020! Keep writing those wonderful blogs!