Another Barmy Word Quiz.

Put your 'thinking caps' on! It's time for another word quiz. The answers will be revealed in the next blog.
Yes, these are all real words, I didn't make them up. Impress your pals at the Super Bowl Party. Jim really wants to be asked the meaning of edacious, with a mouthful of nachos and salsa dripping from his chin onto his 49ers jersey.
Win your date's heart by complimenting her beautiful oxters. You're welcome!
Time to play. As in the last word quiz, please practice 'Googlestraint.' (I coined that one, no copyright permission required). You can write your answers in the comments section.
Here we go!

A: An act of disrespect towards royalty
B: Having wooly or crispy hair
C: Parent or guardian who is abusive towards his/her children
D: One who is difficult to reason with

Doodle Sack
A: A satchell used to carry odds and ends
B: Offensive slang term for male genitalia
C: Bagpipe
D: A term for one who paints or draws graffitti everywhere

A: Slang term for refusal to enter an area where creepy, crawlies exist. Such as cellars, attics, and seedy drinking establishments. Basically, "Not going in there!"
B: Hemp rope used on ships from 16th to the early 19th century
C: A small quantity of something leftover
D: Slang term for a part on a train coupler, officially called a 'Hole Cap'

A: Fear of being watched
B: Fear of failure
C: Fear of insects that hop
D: Fear of rejection
Thanks for playing!