“I am Perdu.” -a poem for the “invisible.”
Today I thought I’d try my hand at a sonnet. The poem is a representation of anyone who’s ever felt, or feels invisible.
The photo is Charlie, my cat, and I think it’s a good visual representation for this piece. I often wonder what he’s thinking as he stares out the window, while sitting on his trunk.

I am perdu, just a phantom’s shadow
Seen, then unseen, a hologram trickster
Undead, yet vaporous, I fail to show
My glacial gait seen as a wing’s flicker
My existence discounted as folk lore
A pair of wraith’s ears captures your gossip
Addled brain yoke, stroked by a broken oar
Seeks validation and relationship
My dim reflection is a lonely “friend”
A mocking mimicker spewing brickbat
Multiplied by shattered glass, in the end
Translucent, I blend with all that is matte
Just a speck of dirt, or a stain on the wall
I am perdu, the worst fate that can befall