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Life’s simple pleasures

Happy Sunday to all! Right now, I’m looking out my window and admiring the beauty that’s lit by another sunny (but cool) morning. It’s just another example of life’s small pleasures that we may often take for granted.

Despite recent world events, there’s still plenty of good out there. Yes, there are those larger ticket items; family and friends, health, fun vacations, good food, and personal freedoms. But what about the little things? Here’s a list of the small things, in no particular order, that I’m personally grateful for. Things which may seem insignificant on their own but add up to a big morale boost. They’re everywhere, if you pay attention.

  1. The swish of the wind as it passes through the needles of an evergreen tree(s)

  2. The courteous driver who stops to let you turn.

  3. The smell of clean laundry- even better if you can dry it on a clothesline outside.

  4. The call of the Loon from the lake at sunset.

  5. The crackle and warmth of a campfire.

  6. Fixing that obnoxious squeaking door.

  7. The feel of a cool breeze kissing away the sweat after a hard day’s work.

  8. A smile.

  9. A belly-laugh.

  10. The first sip of fresh coffee.

  11. Good and full days that make you forget time exists.

  12. The scar(s) that are fodder for excellent stories.

  13. Sunrises/sunsets.

  14. The funny antics and quirks of pets.

  15. Rainbows.

  16. Rainstorms when you’re safely tucked in bed.

  17. Conquering procrastination and just “gettin’ it done.”

  18. Arriving safely at a destination.

  19. Impromptu adventures that provide a lifetime of great memories.

  20. The completion of every chapter that draws a WIP (work in progress) towards, “The End.”


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Author, Mark Bierman

Copyright © 2017 by Mark Bierman.

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