New Release! “Ghostly Interference” by Jan Sikes @JanSikes3 #IARTG #ASMSG #WritingCommunity
I’m excited to have Jan Sikes here today to share her new release, “Ghostly Interference!”

Thank you, Mark, for having me as a guest on your blog site today! I appreciate you helping me launch Ghostly Interference!
Have you ever known anyone who rides a Harley? If so, most likely you know that lots of Harley riders will often name their bikes.
Nicknames are as much a part of Harley history as are the bikes themselves. More often than not, the bike nickname will be female. There are a lot of theories about that, but the biggest one being the male ego and not wanting to be caught riding a bike named Bob.
In Ghostly Interference Rena Jett rides a red Harley named Candy Kicker.
The motorcycle had belonged to her brother, Sam Jett. When Sam was deployed and didn’t return from Afghanistan alive, Rena took posession of the bike. It is her sole means of transportation. She rides it whether it’s cold, hot, raining or snowing.
While it is not entirely unusual to see a woman riding a Harley, statistically, most riders are male.
In this story, it is one of the traits that separates her from the main male character, Jag Peters. Jag is more conservative and doesn’t like to push the envelope.
Rena is all about pushing the envelope, then ripping it open. I love that the cover designer put a prominent red Harley on Ghostly Interference. It says a lot about the story.

Here’s a short excerpt:
By the time the clock turned over to 6 am, she kicked the covers off and jerked on her leather riding gear. A cup of coffee and long ride in the cool morning air would be the right combination to clear the cobwebs.
She’d never see Jag Peters again, so she might as well get that through to her head and move on. She had one thing she could count on in this whole wide world, and it sat patiently beneath her in the garage always there, always waiting, always silent. At least until she turned over the starter and let the engine roar.
She couldn’t repress a grin when she remembered how proud Sam had been the day he’d bought the Harley. And, the exhilaration and freedom she found riding behind him. There she was safe, protected by a brother who’d fight off anyone who dared hurt her. He’d asked her to name the bike, and because of its brilliant red color and quick response, she’d chosen Candy Kicker. He’d had the name painted in small script on the side of the gas tank. Yes, it was her and Candy Kicker now against the world and that’s the way it would always be.
It would be enough, she promised herself. If she could only convince her heart.
She bounded out the door and down the stairs taking two at a time. The crisp morning air teased her face and she couldn’t wait to get out on the open road. In less than a minute, she was inside the garage and pulling on gloves. She ran a hand over the shiny chrome and straddled the big machine.
She turned the key and jumped to kick-start it. Candy Kicker never failed her.
With her helmet fastened, she backed out of the garage and tore down the street, the loud pipes echoing off brick buildings.

A great Christmas gift!
What about you? Have you ever ridden on a Harley? When I was twenty, I met a man with a Harley and loved riding down country roads or city streets. I’ve never forgotten the feeling of complete and total freedom.

Jag Peters has one goal in his quiet comfortable life—to keep his karma slate wiped clean. A near-miss crash with a candy apple red Harley threatens to upend his safe world. He tracks down the rider to apologize properly. Slipping into a seedy biker bar, he discovers the rider isn’t a “he”, it’s a “she”, a dark-haired beauty.
Rena Jett is a troubled soul, who lives in a rough world. She wants no part of Jag’s apology, but even while she pushes him away, she is attracted to him. When he claims to see a ghost—her brother—can she trust him? And could her brother’s final gift, a magical rune stone with the symbol for “happily ever after” have the power to heal her wounds and allow opposites to find common ground—perhaps even love?
Check out the book trailer!

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