Photo Prompt For Kreative Kue
Good morning, afternoon, or night. Today I’ve decided to participate in author Keith Edgar Channing’s “Kreative Kue” Please follow the link to Keith’s fantastic blog.
Here is the photo prompt:

“Jasper! I’m sorry!”
“You called me ‘poofy,’ and right in front of Sally!”
“Look, I thought she liked ‘poofy’!
“Then you peed on my leg! Yuck! Do you know how much rolling in the grass I had to do, to get that off! To make it worse, you did it right—”
“In front of Sally. I get it. I told you, it’s a medical condition. Look I’m sorry you were embarrassed. But let’s look at the facts. Sally is a Bullmastiff, and you’re, well, you.”
“I’m not good enough for her? That what you’re saying?”
“Well, not exactly. It’s just that, when she grows bigger, much, much, much bigger, there’s going to be some complications.”
“I don’t even know what that means.”
“The word, ‘complication,’ originated from the Latin word ‘complicationem’. It means—”
“Pshaw! I know what the word means, I don’t understand what it matters what kind of dog Sally is.”
“Well, she’s young now, but she’s going to grow tall, very tall.”
“How tall?”
“Let’s just say you won’t be able to keep up with her. When you go for a walk, she might as well carry you by the scruff of your neck. Your feet won’t even touch the ground.”
“You’re putting me on!”
“Nope! Look, Mom’s calling us for dinner. I’ll get her to Google a picture of what Sally is going to look like when she’s fully grown.”
“Alright, but it won’t stop us! I’ll steal the step stool Mom uses to reach the top cupboard, to kiss her!”
“The cupboard with our treats?”
“The very one.”
“Wow! You really ARE in love!”