Photos With Captions To Make You Smile And Think
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted one of these, so it’s high time to get back on that mare. I’ve been blipping in and out of the blogging world because of necessary extracurriculars. However, I’m gonna keep on plunking these injection molded ABS squares during the wee hours of the morning. Not to worry, I’ll be doing my level best to keep visiting your sites as well.
The opening sentence was a hint, maybe not a good one, meant to indicate today’s animal theme. Hope you enjoy and have a blessed day!

“Tell me the truth! Do you think I should have taken a dust bath and put on some blush? Sheesh! I look so pale! Stop pecking at that thing and look at me! Not all of us were blessed with perfect crowns, you know.”
“Gosh, Marshmallow! Cram that feedhole full of dirt and lend a claw, would ya! I need to figure this thing out before he realizes I snatched it from his pocket. I even had to squeeze out an extra butt nugget just to distract him. Make it count Marshmallow! Make it count!”

“Welp! They’ve cheaped out on ‘Saturday Brunch’ again! Only so much I can sweep under the fridge before they notice the smell. So . . . looks like you’re gonna have to do the “honors.”

“Anyone know what happened to the batteries for the remote?”