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Scribbling & Scrabble

I sometimes feel as though writing is like a jumbled pile of Scrabble tiles. I mean, the CONCEPT, is bouncing ’round inside the noggin’. Oh yes, I’ve fingered the five w’s; trapped them in my spotlight as they climbed out of the second-floor window at three am. BUT, actually putting them into words is a nitpicky process of sifting through those tiles, plucking the ripe ones and discarding the rest. Now, repeat that dozens of times.

Please don’t get me wrong, I really do enjoy the challenge and there’s no plans to pack up my carpet bag and move on to selling cleaning products.

However, I’d be guilty of hoodwinking, or at least attempted deception, if I denied that there are times when scooping up those tiles and tossing them into the trash would be considered a viable option for getting a Klondike Bar.

Now put away those Kleenex’s (not an endorsement of any kind, if you prefer Puffs, or some other brand, that’s okay, I guess). This isn’t a woe is me tale. Okay, maybe take just one final blow into that velvety soft tissue and be done with it. This gets better, because the truth is, no matter how much you enjoy something, these moments come.

The best part is when they go away, far, far, yep, keep on walkin’ self-doubt, oops, mind the cliff! That quiet confidence sets in. Those stubborn tiles are eventually wrestled into place, yes, they are nice and snug in their new role as tellers of a tale! Characters birth from them, like images born from the one’s and zero’s of binary code. They rely on us to truck on and finish their story.

If you’re staring at this screen, yes you, right at this moment, and feel like swatting that ‘Delete’ button to send your work to the void of, ‘forever gone.’ DON’T!

Sorry, got a wee bit dramatic there.

Ahem. I plead with you to reconsider. The journey is a reward in and of itself. Give yourself TIME. Be gentle and patient with yourself, and others.

Have a blessed day!

(Oh, and maybe eat dark chocolate instead of that ice cream bar . . . much better for you)


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Author, Mark Bierman

Copyright © 2017 by Mark Bierman.

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