Two New Reviews for Vanished
Happy Wednesday! It’s the middle of a shortened week, as Friday is a holiday. I just wanted to share a couple of recent Amazon reviews for my novel, Vanished. I’ve included the blurb, trailer, and links for those who are unfamiliar. Have a great day!

Tragedy… heartache… how much more can Tyler Montgomery and John Webster take? This missions trip, the “healing” one, has only added fresh layers of pain. Construction of an orphanage in Haiti’s northwest… yes. But a doomed rescue operation, human traffickers, human anomalies, extreme personal danger… risk of death? They hadn’t signed up for those.
Turning their backs on the crisis, however, is unthinkable, it’s just not who they are.
Sarah Hill
How far would you go to save a life?
I came across this book on Instagram and decided to purchase it when I saw half the proceeds from sales are donated to organizations that combat human trafficking.
I am so glad I didn’t scroll past that post! This book kept a captive audience in me and my heart racing. In the beginning we find ourselves at a mission in Haiti where two Americans, John and Tyler have come to help with construction of an orphanage. While there one of the mission employees’ daughter is taken. John and Tyler are unable to let it go without trying to find the little girl.
We are taken on a journey that tears open the curtains thrown over human trafficking and the heinous life those taken are thrown into. Along the way the Americans come across a handful of souls willing to risk their lives for one small child. Bonds are made. Lies are discovered, some forgiven and some that change the way we view others. As they zone in on where young Chantale may have been taken, the search becomes more dangerous and luck seems to be very thin. Will John, Tyler, Janjak and the few willing to help survive long enough to accomplish the rescue and escape or will their efforts be quelled and hidden from anyone ever knowing there was ever a rescue mission to begin with? You’ll have to pick up a copy and find out!
Catherine Hamilton
Everyone has heard of the horrors of modern-day human trafficking. We have perhaps even conjured images in our mind when we see a child who seems to be too far ahead of his mom or dad at the park! But who knows the parent of child who has been kidnaped?
Bierman changes all this in “Vanished!”
Characters Tyler and John have both suffered recent loss, and are willing to risk life and limb to spare a Haitian woman the same pain. But why are they willing to look for a little girl who has vanished into thin air?
Well—you’ll learn why when you read this action-packed adventure novel. I’ll give you a hint, these guys believe that any child’s life is worth fighting for! No more spoilers! Except to say that the setting is the exotic Caribbean island of Haiti after the 2010 earthquake has devastated most of the island.
The island’s problems with human trafficking started long before the coming of the earthquake. An attitude of tolerance toward the problem shocks the protagonist, his friends – and the reader.
So, when Tyler and John face the evils of human trafficking head on, I was right there with them. This is a heart-stopping read that brings to life the horror of modern-day slavery, and the sad truths about any nation willing to look the other way. Is this a problem that is unsurmountable? Will Tyler and John give up? And to what lengths will these men and their unlikely “friend” go to save one little girl?
Witness the dark secrets that are kept about human traffickers in this debut novel!
Rich in detail! Riveting! I recommend it to lovers of action adventure fiction that sheds light on real-life criminals, especially those who traffic children.
Thank you, Sara and Catherine!
A little about me:

Born and raised on a farm near Brockville, Ontario, Mark Bierman’s childhood consisted of chores, riding horses, snowmobile races across open fields, fishing trips to a local lake, and many other outdoor adventures. He was also an avid reader of both fiction and non.
Transitioning towards adulthood also meant moving from the farm and into large urban areas that introduced this “country boy” to life in the big cities.
Drawing on his many experiences as a private investigator and later a Correctional Officer, Mark combines his unique experiences and imagination to create his stories and characters.
Say “Hi!” and get your copy! 50% of proceeds are donated to Fight4Freedom a charity that helps victims of human trafficking. If you go to my website, you can read a few sample chapters and purchase. This book contains NO rape scenes, NO graphic violence, and NO pedophilia.